Monday, March 30, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel

It is going to be 6 weeks since I got the news that I am being redundant by my company. My last day is on the 31st March 09. If I got redundant, my current company will cancelled my visa. After the cancellation, I have to leave Australia within 28 days.

I have been trying hard to look for a job from the western state to the eastern states. I even approached job hunters. Unfortunately, I am on work visa (457 visa), I need the employer to sponsor me to be in Australia before I can be hire. So far none is willing to hire me.

There are so many jobless people in Australia, and the companies out there can be very choosy. "Why choose to hire a foreigner, if I can hire local with higher skills." Currently, if you want to be a manager, you must have at least 10 plus years of working experience in the same field.

It was the darkest moment of my life.. and I need to make some decisions and future plans, like moving out from my current apartment (need to renew contract 6-12 months), trying to sell my car, trying to organise my flight to go back, looking for jobs (apply for internal transfer), applying for my own skill migration, and etc... all done within 6 weeks..

Today, I got a very great news from my company. My transfer to another department has been approved. YEAH!!!!! it has been approved. I am happy that I got a job now, and I can remain here for a while. But, I am still looking around for a better opportunity. I cannot complain more as this is a good deal for me to stay on the same company.

Now, it is like the chinese always say " I will take one steps at a time" - "kin po han po". I might get a better deal next time when the country boom again!

I was really lucky that I got this open position. The previous guy quit 1 week ago, giving me the change to fill-in.

Just lucky me!!!!!! Thank god!


Unknown said...

Congrates Ghim HOng!! I'm sooooo happy to hear this news. :D

Regardless, pLEaSEeee keep your Australia PR process going!!!! Don't "boh yao boh kin" ahh.... ok?! We want to visit you in Australia mah. Well of course, that is if we have save enough $$. kekeke...

Unknown said...

Really glad to hear that you found a job to stay back in Australia. Hang on there and everything will be ok.

Unknown said...

Great news! The best way one can hope to survive this downturn is to have a job! Good luck with the new posting!