Monday, January 5, 2009

A brand new year, with a brand new start

Finally, the year is 2009. Left behind the year 2008, but I have been writing the date with the year 2008 on my time sheets and letters to my suppliers. Luckily, my eye sights still good and able to detect the error before sending out either by email or by post.

A very quiet week, and I guessed that no one is actually working to their optimum level yet. For me, I am currently at my 40% efficiency. (Very slack and occasionally "Fishing' in front of my computer) is fortunate that my boss will be back only after Wednesday 7/1/09. So, I have 3 days to do nothing or slacking away.. hahaha... notty me. I hope he is not reading this blog, or I will be in trouble. *wink*

Anyway, happy new year to everyone and the starting of this year shows positive movement on the share market. I have reduced my loses in shares and soon I will have positive gain... Cross my fingers!

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